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Get The Online Training You
Need to Succeed! 

We offer online training courses for Employers, Employees, and anyone looking for that added training to have a competitive edge.

Don't get caught up in fines, fees, and lawsuits. Make sure you have compliant documents and training courses to protect your business!

Featured Course 


There are many sound reasons to create a customized Handbook based on the policies and procedures at the firm. The handbook can provide clear written policies and procedures for all employees. 


Our interactive course will guide you step by step through the creation of your employee handbook!

Featured Course

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

In most states it is now mandatory to conduct annual sexual harassment training. In states that it is not mandated, it is highly recommended in order to protect your company from fines, fees and lawsuits that can occur when employees are not properly educated in this area. 


Start your company's seamless online sexual harassment training today! 

About TPTraining

Turning Point TrainMe offers a large diversity of compliant online training courses in a variety of areas and subjects.

Areas such as: 

  • Compliant Training for your Employees; Sexual harassment, management training, OSHA, etc.

  • Employee Improvement Training

  • Individual Course Training

Why TurningPoint TrainMe Courses

  • Easy to use and access

  • Interactive and user friendly

  • Modern and up-to-date

  • Compliant with state laws

  • Provide completion certificates

  • Affordable and practical 

Image by Andrew Neel

Increase Your Knowledge Base

Diverse Course Availability

100% Online Interactive


Certified and Compliant Courses


If you are interested in specific courses in our Course Catalog, you can purchase courses individually.

$70 per employee per course

see details below

TurningPoint has over 300+ courses in areas such as, but not limited to:

Compliance & Legal
Workplace Safety
Human Resources
Computer & IT
Soft and Hard Skill Development
Customer Service
Professional Development
Pandemic Response

Whether you are looking to advance your team, advance your career, or remain compliant, we have the courses for you! 
Training Courses

Pricing and Services

  • Training Courses: $70 per employee per course, paid at training initiation. This includes:

    • Employee set up in our training platform

    • Automatic system "Welcome Email" 

    • Automatic system assigned training email notification

    • Automatic system email reminders at training initiation, one week before course due date, and on the course due date

    • 1-month of weekly status reports

    • 1-month of employee troubleshooting (i.e. employees needing password resets, emails resent, reminder emails pushed out, etc.)

    • For courses that are required to be completed annually, you will receive automatic bi-weekly email reminders beginning 3 months prior to the annual repeat date

    • Monthly email reminders to set up training for any newly hired employees - we want to make sure you don't miss a beat!


What Our Clients Say About TrainMe

“During these trying times I decided to take a few courses to improve my skillsets for when I return back to work. It was the best decision I could make. It has helped me land several interviews.”

Joe K.

“With NY state laws changing constantly, TurningPoint has kept my company up to date with all our compliance training. It has saved us a ton of time and money.”

Mathew M.

“There are so many different courses to choose from! It was hard to just pick a few to give to my employees. However, all I had to do was pick them out - TurningPoint did the rest!”

Danielle B.

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